Peter C.R. Lane, Peter C.-H. Cheng and Fernand Gobet

CHREST+ : Investigating How Humans Learn to Solve Problems Using Diagrams. AISB Quarterly, 103, 24-30.



This paper describes the underlying principles of a computer model, CHREST+, which learns to solve problems using diagrammatic representations. Although earlier work has determined that experts store domain-specific information within schemata, no substantive model has been proposed for learning such representations. We describe the different strategies used by subjects in constructing a diagrammatic representation of an electric circuit known as an AVOW diagram, and explain how these strategies fit a theory for the learnt representations. Then we describe CHREST+, an extended version of an established model of human perceptual memory. The extension enables the model to relate information learnt about circuits with that about their associated AVOW diagrams, and use this information as a schema to improve its efficiency at problem solving.